Die Puja der TM- Bewegung

Der Text der Guru-Puja ist in Indien in religiösen Kreisen weithin bekannt. Sie ähnelt der Puja des Shankara-Ordens.[1]

Maharishi schrieb später Kommentare zu den Brahma-Sutras und zur Bhagavad-Gita[3], in deren Anhang sich ein Auszug zur Anrufung der heiligen Tradition befindet, in der 'seltsamerweise' Gurudevs Lehrer Krishnananda und weitere Gurus der Tradition nicht nicht erwähnt werden... Maharishi spricht aufschneiderisch vom Gottesbewusstsein, das dem eines Sada-Shiva entspräche - das weder der Guru Dev noch sonstige Meister des Shankara-Orden hatten.

Zu Beginn  der TM-Meditationseinführung führt der Initiator den Meditanten vor ein von einem indischen Maler Acharya für Maharishi gefertigtes Bild des Gurudev  Brahmanada Sarasvati und singt eine Puja und versucht so den Eindruck zu erwecken, hinter der Bewegung stehe die Tradition des Shankara-Ordens mit dem Grudev als Träger dieser Zeremonie.

Die vom Gurustrotam-Text des Shankara-Ordens etwas abweichende TM-Puja wurde wohl von  Ashu Kavi oder Pandit Veni Madhava Sastri für Maharishi  erstellt.

Adi Shankara beginnt sein 'Gurustotram' oder 'Verse an den Guru' mit folgendem Sanskrit Sloka, das ein verbreitetes gesungenes devotionales Lied (Bhajan) wurde (Guru Mantra) : Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara. Guru Sakshath Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave namaha.

Prarthana(prarthana , s.u.) bedeutet Gebet oder Verehrung.

== Acharya Vandana Puja (an Guru Dev Brahmananda Sarasvati) ==
1. Reinigung

apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastha.n gato.api va
yah smaretpu.nDariikakSham sa bahyabhya.ntarah shuchiH
( haribhaktivilasa Kap.3 v37, garu.Da purana)

2. Anrufung : narayanam padmabhavam vasishhTham shaktiM cha tatputraparasharam cha vyasam shukam gauDapadam mahantam govindayogiindramathasya shishhyam
( guruvandanam v1 / gurustotram v20)

shrii shamkaracharyamathasya padmapadam cha hastamalakam cha shishhyam
tam troTakam varttikakaramanyan asmataguruun santatamanatosmi
(guruvandanam v2 / gurustotram v21)
shrutismRitipurananam alayam karuNalayam
namami bhagavatpadam shankaram lokasha~Nkaram
(guruvandanam v3 / gurustotram v22)
shankaram shankaracharya keshavam badarayanam
suutrabhashhyakRitau vande bhagavantau punah punah
(guruvandanam v4 / gurustotram v23 )
yad.hdvare nikhila nilimpaparishhatsiddhiM vidhatte.anisham ,
shriimachchhriilasitam jagad.hgurupadam natvatmatRiptiM gatah .
lokaGYanapayodapaTanadhuram shriishamkaram sharmadam ,
brahmanandasarasvatiiM guruvaram dhyayami jyotirmayam
(prarthana v5)
avahanam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
asanam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
snanam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
vastram samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
cha.ndanam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
akshatan samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
pushhpam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
dhuupam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
diipam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
achmaniyam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
naivedyam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
achmaniiyam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
tambuulam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
shrii phalam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
karpuuragauram karuNavataram samsarasaram bhujagendraharam
sadavasantam hRidayaravinde bhavam bhavanii sahitam namami
(prarthana - upacharas / shiva shloka)
aratrikyam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
achmaniiyam samarpayami shriguru charana kamalebhyo namah
gururbrahma gururvishnur gururdevo maheshvarah
guruHsakShat parambrahma tasmai shri gurave namah
(gurudevastuti v6 / guru mamtra)
akhandamandalakaram vyaptam yena characharam
tatpadam darshitam yena tasmai shri gurave namah
(gurudevastuti v4 / guru stotram / guru pranam)
shrii+ brahmanandam parama sukhadam kevalam GYanmurtim
vishvatiitam gagana sadrisham tattvamasyadi lakshyam
(gurudevastuti v2 / guru gita)
ekam nityam vimalam achalam sarvadhiisakShibhutam
bhavatiitam trigunasahitam sadgurum tvam namami
(gurudevastuti v3)
aGYana timirandhasya GYanajana shalakaya . chakShuruunmiilitam yena tasmai shrii gurave namah
(gurudevastuti v5 / guru gita v34)
pushhpaJNjaliM samarpayami shrii guru charana kamalebhyo namah

Die Puja in verkürzter deutscher Übersetzung

Vor Lord Narajana, vor dem lotusgeborenen Brahma, vor Vasishta, vor Shakti und seinem Sohn Parasha, vor Vjasa, vor Shukadeva, vor dem grossen Gaudapada, vor Govinda, dem Herrscher unter den Yogis, von ihm zu seinem Schüler Sri Shankaracharya, vor seinen Schülern Padma-Pada und Hastamalaka, vor IHM, Trotakacharya, Vartika-Kara, vor anderen, vor der ewigen Tradition unserer Meister, verneige ich mich.

Vor der Stätte der Weisheit der Shrutis, Smritis und Puranas, vor der Stätte der Barmherzigkeit, vor der personengewordenen Herrlichkeit des Herrn, vor Shankara, dem Befreier, verehrt als Krishna, und Badarayana, vor dem Kommentar der Brahma-Sutras, verneige ich mich, vor der Herrlichkeit des Herrn verneige ich mich wieder und wieder.

An dessen Tür die ganze Heerschar der Götter um Vollkommenheit betet Tag und Nacht, umgeben von unermesslichem Glanz, der Weltenlehrer, vor ihm uns verneigend erhalten wir Erfüllung.

Der fähig ist, die Wolke der Unwissenheit der Menschen zu beseitigen, der gütige Befreier, Brahmananda Saraswati, der höchste Lehrer, voll des Glanzes, ihn bringe ich in mein Bewusstsein.

Die Anrufung bringe ich dar zu den Lotusfüssen von Shri Guru Dev und verneige mich........
der die Dunkelheit der Unwissenheit, die blind macht, der das Auge der Erkenntnis öffnet, vor ihm, vor der Herrlichkeit von Shri Guru Dev verneige ich mich.

Ein Teil der traditionellen Puja, von der Bewegung ohne Autorisierung des Shankara-Ordens in Benutzung - mit Anrufung Des Guru Dev und verschiedener hinuistischer Gottheiten wie Maheshvara, Narajana, Brahma, Krishna.. (s.a. : Paul Mason :  Maharsihi Mahesh Yogi - die Biografie, 1994, Aquamarin Verlag, S. 228)

An english translation (after alt.meditation.transcendental)

Purification: Whether pure or impure, whether all places are permeated by purity or impurity, Whoever opens himself to the expanded vision of unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity.

Invocation: To Lord Narayana, to lotus-born Brahma the Creator, to Vasishtha, to SHAKTI and his son, Parashara, to Vyasa, to Shukadeva, to the great GaudaPada, to Govinda, ruler among yogis, from him to his disciple, Shri Shankaracharya, from him to his disciples, Padma Pada and Hastamalaka, to him, Trotakacharya and Vartika-Kara, to others, to the eternal tradition of our abode of the wisdom of the Shrutis, Smritis and Purana, to the abode of compassion, to the personified glory of the Lord, to Shankara, emancipator of the world, I bow down.
To Shankaracharya, the Emancipator, adored as Krishna and Badarayana, to the two authors of the commentary on the Brahma Sutras, I bow down To both expressions of the Divine, in Shankara, I bow down again and again At whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night Adorned with immeasurable glory, preceptor of the whole world, having bowed to Him we gain complete fulfillment. Skilled in dispelling the cloud of ignorance of the people, the bestower of happiness, the glorious emancipator, Brahmananda Sarasvati, full of brilliance, Him I bring to my awareness.

Offering the invocation to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering a seat to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering a ablution to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering cloth to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering sandalpaste to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offereing full rice to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering a flower to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering incense to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering light to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering fruit to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.

Offering a betel leaf to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering a coconut to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down Offering camphor light. White as camphor, the incarnation of kindness, the essence of creation garlanded by the Serpent-King. Ever dwelling in the lotus of my heart, Lord Shiva with Mother Divine to Him I bow down. Offering light to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. Offering water to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
Offering a handful of flowers Guru Dev is the glory of Brahma the Creator, Lord Vishnu the Maintainer, and the great Lord Shiva Guru is the glory of the Supreme Transcendent personified, to Him, to the glory of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down. The Unbounded, like the endless canopy of the sky, the omnipresent in all creation, the sign of That has been revealed, to Him, to Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.

Guru Dev, Shri Brahmananda, Guru Dev, in the glory of the bliss of the Absolute, in the glory of transcendental joy, in the glory of Unity, the very embodiment of knowledge, who is beyond the universe like the sky, as the goal of "that thou art" and other (Shrutis which grant eternal unity of life).
The One, the Eternal, the Pure, the Immovable, the Witness of all intellects, whose status transcends thought-- the Transcendent along with the three gunas, the true preceptor, to Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.
The blinding darkness of ignorance has been removed by the application of the ointment of knowledge, the eye of knowledge has been opened by Him, therefore to Him, to Shri Guru Dev, bow down. Offering a handful of flowers to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev, I bow down.........
